31 juli 2009
More self portraits! I know it deserves an explanation by now...(why is this dude taking all these pictures of himself all of the sudden??), but I'll wait with that a little longer. Its fairly simple though, I did an 24Hr Project in Chicago titled "The American Dream" wherein I basicly lived the american dream for a day. These photographs are almost a registration of my "performance"...Well, if you can call it a performance. It was just really fun to do....especially using my 70 cent impro-tripod for this, wich basically was my suitcase + screws. More later on. I need to focus on serious stuff now.
(my website is coming together, woohoo!)
(Oh and someone from Canada, PLEASE CALL ME...my english is drasticly deteriorating )
Two things i'll swear (previously: When do photographs become photoillustrations?)
Edit: I, Sander van Wettum, Writer of this blog will swear on the flag of Blogland that I will FIRST READ the actuall article I'm refering too....In order to say something usefull about it it.
EDIT 2: I, Sander van Wettum, Will also swear to look after spelling errors/grammar mistakes, (as much as possible for someone who's second language is english..).
still an interesting read.)
EDIT 2: I, Sander van Wettum, Will also swear to look after spelling errors/grammar mistakes, (as much as possible for someone who's second language is english..).
still an interesting read.)
30 juli 2009
Too much make up on a pretty girl
Review/Comment on the Grad work of a recently graduated AKI student.
Normally, around the end of June, the security of the AKI would push a cart full of beer and wine into our classrooms, celebrating that the year was almost over.
Alcohol proofed to be an excellent support for the sleep derived grad students , helping them relax from all their stress (Would they get their prints in at time? Will the cleaners mistaken their installed sculptures with trash tonight? etc). Teachers would get drunk before two, and all-night-football was being played in the freshly painted gallery's. By the end of each year, the AKI turned into a social club other then a school. And I love(d) it.
This year, is saw this all happening in Canada (well - not the drunk teachers or soccer matches, even though there were attempts to start a darkroom disco) I followed the grads in photo with great interest, but surely wondered what my friends at the AKI were working on.
When I got back in the Netherlands, one of the first things that i did was visit the AKI. There were still two more days that the Grad show was up - and i wanted to see it. I horribly failed however (every minute I ran into another familiar face that wanted to have a beer) So I ended up seeing the work of only a handfull of people (And being pretty drunk by the end of the day). One savy student tried to make advantage of this, and made the clever statement that "There still still= is a book with the photo's of the show" while holding the 15 euro grad catalogue.
I gazed into my wallet, that was empty - except for an american quarter and a canadian loonie. So I ended up just asking around what I had missed.
Apparently the name Kirsten Wilmink came up a lot, that somehow made a big impression on all the students and teachers. Keywords in the attempts to describe her works were "hilarious" "Germans"And "Photoshop".
I decided to look for her website, and as soon as I saw the first image... i sighed. "Oh...she"..I thought. I clicked trough a couple of more, before i returned to working on my own website. I knew this girl and her work..and was put of by an earlier incident between us (more about that later)
Last week however, the Aki Website proudly anounced that the photographer got nominated for... 7 Photo-academy awards. Which is a big deal - So that got me looking at it again, and thinking...
This was a rather long introduction... But the reason i'm writing about her work is that I want to express my concern. And this doesnt only count for her work, but for Photography in general.
Its not so much that im concernd about the idea or concept behind Kirstens series (wich i think is pretty funny) She had the idea to build a serie around the cliches surrounding germans - this all in a staged kind of way. While she surely brought up some interesting and hilarious photos- i was more concernd with the way she executed the photographs. If we can still call them photographs at all.
While I have nothing against digital alterations - (even though their still hot topic in photography; chek out the
discussion around Edgar Martins photos for the NYTimes magazine for example
Hers look more like the hyper-realistic art from the 80's, or even cheaply paint brushed artworks on motorcycles and vans. Or even better.... Illustrations. Not so much a photograph...While this would have been all fine with a clear intention and reference - the following thing concerned me most: On her blog she stated once that she used photoshop techniques to "Make a boring photograph more Interesting".
And that is when I get upset. Last year we shared classes, In wich she took photographs of her grandparents. Ordinary photo's, that were digitally dogged-and-burned-the hell out of it, just to look interesting. I got offended. I made the statement that If you found your photograph boring, you just simply took a bad photograph. This was "Photoshop-make-up". Im all for staging, but as soon as you think that "prettying things up" will make your image better; it doesnt. She however, found it necessarily to continue this way of working. Endlessly. She tried to guide her statements and subjects towards a way that they "needed" photoshop because "it fitted" and "complimented" the photograph.
For her gradwork she surely perfected her skills and subject, to a point that you can say that technique and subject "work". However, I would find that its simply too much. Next to confirming german cliche's she also confirmed another one: artstudents always think that the more exotic the image is; the better its must be. The more splashing colours and dazzeling patterns - the more the audience must like it. Its (partly) and AKI-education related problem. We dont learn much about techniques, so as soon someone masters something, you can sure expect lots of attention of students and teachers
For me, this photoshopping is more like a camouflage, atleast if you dont have a clear visual reference (Or someone must come up with a famous german-realist painter that I'm missing here) Plus and Plus becomes Minus. Too much make-up on a pretty girl.
After all, i think some images are strong enough to go without. Wouldnt be the adolf hitler-type man and his dog be more disturbing without the whole photoshop-circus? (On the other hand, this is one of the images that wherin photoshop is not so distracting. It becomes Kitch like - wich works in this context)
Its just that, once this type of work is praised that its less likely that you will do other stuff. People believe that's called "having a style" but I think that's very dangerous to have. I mean, "spicing things up" in photoshop doesnt make you a good photograper...
I'm trying to understand my own frustrations; because the images itself are cleverly constructed and nice. And that's maybethe key-comment. They are already so well staged that they dont need anything extra.
Thats why finding martin parss work on her blog was strangly paradoxal to me. He proves that absolutly brilliant images dont need anything more then a camera to capture them.
Normally, around the end of June, the security of the AKI would push a cart full of beer and wine into our classrooms, celebrating that the year was almost over.
Alcohol proofed to be an excellent support for the sleep derived grad students , helping them relax from all their stress (Would they get their prints in at time? Will the cleaners mistaken their installed sculptures with trash tonight? etc). Teachers would get drunk before two, and all-night-football was being played in the freshly painted gallery's. By the end of each year, the AKI turned into a social club other then a school. And I love(d) it.
This year, is saw this all happening in Canada (well - not the drunk teachers or soccer matches, even though there were attempts to start a darkroom disco) I followed the grads in photo with great interest, but surely wondered what my friends at the AKI were working on.
When I got back in the Netherlands, one of the first things that i did was visit the AKI. There were still two more days that the Grad show was up - and i wanted to see it. I horribly failed however (every minute I ran into another familiar face that wanted to have a beer) So I ended up seeing the work of only a handfull of people (And being pretty drunk by the end of the day). One savy student tried to make advantage of this, and made the clever statement that "There still still= is a book with the photo's of the show" while holding the 15 euro grad catalogue.
I gazed into my wallet, that was empty - except for an american quarter and a canadian loonie. So I ended up just asking around what I had missed.
Apparently the name Kirsten Wilmink came up a lot, that somehow made a big impression on all the students and teachers. Keywords in the attempts to describe her works were "hilarious" "Germans"And "Photoshop".
I decided to look for her website, and as soon as I saw the first image... i sighed. "Oh...she"..I thought. I clicked trough a couple of more, before i returned to working on my own website. I knew this girl and her work..and was put of by an earlier incident between us (more about that later)
Last week however, the Aki Website proudly anounced that the photographer got nominated for... 7 Photo-academy awards. Which is a big deal - So that got me looking at it again, and thinking...
This was a rather long introduction... But the reason i'm writing about her work is that I want to express my concern. And this doesnt only count for her work, but for Photography in general.
Its not so much that im concernd about the idea or concept behind Kirstens series (wich i think is pretty funny) She had the idea to build a serie around the cliches surrounding germans - this all in a staged kind of way. While she surely brought up some interesting and hilarious photos- i was more concernd with the way she executed the photographs. If we can still call them photographs at all.
While I have nothing against digital alterations - (even though their still hot topic in photography; chek out the
discussion around Edgar Martins photos for the NYTimes magazine for example
Hers look more like the hyper-realistic art from the 80's, or even cheaply paint brushed artworks on motorcycles and vans. Or even better.... Illustrations. Not so much a photograph...While this would have been all fine with a clear intention and reference - the following thing concerned me most: On her blog she stated once that she used photoshop techniques to "Make a boring photograph more Interesting".
And that is when I get upset. Last year we shared classes, In wich she took photographs of her grandparents. Ordinary photo's, that were digitally dogged-and-burned-the hell out of it, just to look interesting. I got offended. I made the statement that If you found your photograph boring, you just simply took a bad photograph. This was "Photoshop-make-up". Im all for staging, but as soon as you think that "prettying things up" will make your image better; it doesnt. She however, found it necessarily to continue this way of working. Endlessly. She tried to guide her statements and subjects towards a way that they "needed" photoshop because "it fitted" and "complimented" the photograph.
For her gradwork she surely perfected her skills and subject, to a point that you can say that technique and subject "work". However, I would find that its simply too much. Next to confirming german cliche's she also confirmed another one: artstudents always think that the more exotic the image is; the better its must be. The more splashing colours and dazzeling patterns - the more the audience must like it. Its (partly) and AKI-education related problem. We dont learn much about techniques, so as soon someone masters something, you can sure expect lots of attention of students and teachers
For me, this photoshopping is more like a camouflage, atleast if you dont have a clear visual reference (Or someone must come up with a famous german-realist painter that I'm missing here) Plus and Plus becomes Minus. Too much make-up on a pretty girl.
After all, i think some images are strong enough to go without. Wouldnt be the adolf hitler-type man and his dog be more disturbing without the whole photoshop-circus? (On the other hand, this is one of the images that wherin photoshop is not so distracting. It becomes Kitch like - wich works in this context)
Its just that, once this type of work is praised that its less likely that you will do other stuff. People believe that's called "having a style" but I think that's very dangerous to have. I mean, "spicing things up" in photoshop doesnt make you a good photograper...
I'm trying to understand my own frustrations; because the images itself are cleverly constructed and nice. And that's maybethe key-comment. They are already so well staged that they dont need anything extra.
Thats why finding martin parss work on her blog was strangly paradoxal to me. He proves that absolutly brilliant images dont need anything more then a camera to capture them.
29 juli 2009
28 juli 2009
27 juli 2009
I havent run out of images from Chicago yet...(I even have a lot of photographs that I still need to scan) But today feels a bit like the picture above (maybe becouse i've slept for 12 hours) Now I feel i bit "cloudy". All this partying, seeing friends, etc. makes it so easy to forget about stuff that needs to be done (from getting a job to printing bussiness cards for my exhibition) And there is a lot of stuff that needs to be done in order to get a sense of "daily" rhytem again.
Staring at all these photographs that i've took in a foreign country is even making it more and more sureal everyday. Chicago, Vancouver,...Exchange? huh? It feels like years ago. Maybe I'll should catch some sunshine ...
26 juli 2009
25 juli 2009
I'm trying to keep up with my "One Image a day" idea, but its kind of hard when you are running between Partys in Enschede, and Museum visists in The Hague. So thats why im posting one of my more "touristy" images today. This is a street where big parts of the movie "Batman: the dark knight" was filmed...Its also the Wallstreet of Chicago... Uh yeah, and the light was really cool that day. So there you go.
Im gonna introduce a new feature to my blog soon, (wich will be kind of like a photo essay)That will be more interesting then this in my opinion.Stay tuned
24 juli 2009
23 juli 2009
P.S. A little blurb in these textless days , I've got an exhibition comming up in the Tetem Factory in Enschede in August - and for that occasion i *finally* uploaded a temporary page on my website and the whole thing will follow pretty soon. Also i'm gonna print fancy postcards for this occasion, so if you want one - Let me know
I'm also very proud that I found out how I can finally do these cool text hyperlinks that "professional" bloggers use ;) I feel like i've moved up a couple of steps today. Maybe it has something to do with todays picture?
22 juli 2009
21 juli 2009
20 juli 2009
19 juli 2009
Talking about beiing original....
18 juli 2009
17 juli 2009
16 juli 2009
The American Dream
It is kind of strange to be back again in the Netherlands. It took a couple of days to fully "adjust" - but after that - Vancouver and the States felt like a distant dream.
Sort of like the "American dream".....(or the "Canadian" one)
But there are some things that I just cant seem to get used too. Why are the cups of coffee so small here? And why do Euro's look like toy money? And why do I keep on reading the New York Times? (wich is published here as the "International Herald Tribune") Im trying to hold on to my North-american habbits - so I wont fall back in my old patterns. Atleast, that's what I'm (un)consciously hoping.
So now I'm planning to spend my days in front of my computer, scanning photographs, and drinking huge fucking late's - pretending that I need to gather some energy to go out and get some BC Rolls. Oh well - for as long the illusion will last then....
8 juli 2009
Got some change?
They say that half a year abroad changes you a lot. While I'm not really sure yet what these changes exactly are - I am atleast sure about changing the languages of my blog.
By posting in English from now on, I'll be able to keep on practicing my skills - and wont exclude any foreign reader anymore. I also hope my dutch readers will appreciate and accept this change!
I first need to get comfortable with it though - dutch bloggers posting in English often seems a little pretentious and cocky. We'll see how it goes!
By posting in English from now on, I'll be able to keep on practicing my skills - and wont exclude any foreign reader anymore. I also hope my dutch readers will appreciate and accept this change!
I first need to get comfortable with it though - dutch bloggers posting in English often seems a little pretentious and cocky. We'll see how it goes!
En toen....was ik terug
Dr zitten wat gaten tussen al mijn avonturen van de laatste weken (ik heb meer beleefd dan dat ik kan opschrijven) maar aan alle avonturen komt een einde. Hierbij een kort slotakkoord . Om 10 uur sochtends lande ik op Schiphol Airport, en was mijn half jaar "exchange" officieel afgelopen. Gek, raar, en vooral verwarrend - om ineens weer terug te zijn en bij je ouders op de thee te zitten. Vandaag begon ik spontaan te lachen om de kleine dingen die anders zijn. De glaasjes zijn kleiner, de krant verassend groter, en iedereen praat ineens Nederlands. De koffie heb ik niet hoeven missen, een luxe espresso aparaat doet herrineringen aan starbucks snel vervagen. De komende dagen ga ik weer inburgeren in Nederland, en zal dan mijn blog waarschijnlijk veranderen naar Engels - om de taal te blijven oefenen - maar ook omdat ik nu lezers in Canada heb die al mijn verdere avonturen in Nederland willen volgen. Blijf daarom ook geween deze site chekken, want de grote stroom fotos gaan komen in deze weken (heb een scanner gefixed - plus nog 15 rolletjes uit Chicagoland)
1 juli 2009
Come on! Feel the Illinois!
Toen ik vandaag k in de befaamde CTA train stapte , snapte ik eindelijk waar Den Haag z'n randstadrailidee gejat heeft. Chicago, de derde grootste stad van de states, heeft geen ondergrondse metro - maar eentje die boven de weg loopt. En die is best wel cool, want het geeft een mooi uitzicht op de stad. Natuurlijk kennen de meeste Europeanen deze tram wel, want dit is een iconisch kenmerk van Chicago. Andere uitvindingen hier zijn de Pan-Pizza (niet te vreten) en de wolkenkrabber.
En wolkenkrabbers genoeg. Vanuit het raam van de tram reden we langs alle soorten en maten. De meeste zijn vlak naast de tram gebouwd, dus kijk je vrolijk bij huizen en kantoren naar binnen. En ook ons hostel ligt aan de befaamde tramlijn. Dat betekend dus dat snachts om de 15 minuten mn kamergenoten rechtop in hun bed zitten. "Jiezus Chaaist?, what waz that?" riep een Indiaase jongen vannacht, die een bed verderop sliep. "I zink I just saw somebody lookin at me from the train". Lijkbleek keek die rond in de kamer, maar niemand leek het met hem eens te zijn. We zitten namelijk op zeven hoog - dus de tram zie je helemaal niet. Maar hij rijd wel. En die maakt een takke herie. Dus veel chago mensen hier in het Hostel die niet veel hebben geslapen. Heel gezellig dus, dus loop ik maar in mn eentje door de stad om te kijken wat Chicago te bieden heeft.
De stad lijkt opvallend veel op New York. Er is een eindeloze zee aan wolkenkrabbers, gigantisch veel musea en galleries - meer te doen dan dat je aankan dus. Alleen de drukte van NY ontbreekt. Zelfs tijdens Rush hour is de straat nog opvallend overzichtelijk - en ook lopen de mensen hier op een normaal tempo. Iedereen lijkt wat relaxter hier, en ze zijn zeker vriendelijker. Veel vriendelijker dan welke stad waar ik tot nu toe ben geweest. Op Portland na dan (maar daar ontmoete ik alleen maar mensen uit Ohio, een staat die praktisch gezien grenst aan Illinoise)
Op mn Ipod luisterde ik vandaag dan ook maar de hele dag in stijl naar Sufjan stevens "Feel the Illinoise". Maar volgens mij voel ik hem nog niet echt. Wat de illinoise dan ook mag zijn. De CD is soms heel opzwepend en feestelijk, maar Ik doe vooral rustig aan. Ik loop een beetje rond ,drink wat koffie bij starbucks en lees de krant. Ik merk dat ik na 6 maanden Noord Amerika al opvallend bekend ben geraakt met de omgeving en cultuur, waardoor ik niet meer zo de drang voel om maar elk dingetje te moeten ontdekken en te fotograferen. Ik loop niet meer rond met het idee van "Omg. Ik ben in Amerika" (en blijkbaar straal ik het uit, want alle toeristen vragen of ik hier woon en weet of er een goed restaurant in de buurt is - waarop ik antwoord: 1. Nee, ik woon hier niet 2. Nee, die bestaan niet) Maargoed, vandaag heb ik niet veel meer gedaan dan een paar gallerietjes bezocht, en savonds ff naar de film. Oh en een beetje gelaptopt bij de Barnes en Nobles. Mischien is die relaxte levensstijl wel de "Illinoise" die sufjan stevens bedoeld.
Morgen ga ik dan ook maar verder met mijn niets doen praktijken. Beetje foto's maken, beetje rondlopen, mischien bootje varen. Even relaxen en genieten van het feit dat ik nog heel even aan de andere kant van de wereld zit.
En wolkenkrabbers genoeg. Vanuit het raam van de tram reden we langs alle soorten en maten. De meeste zijn vlak naast de tram gebouwd, dus kijk je vrolijk bij huizen en kantoren naar binnen. En ook ons hostel ligt aan de befaamde tramlijn. Dat betekend dus dat snachts om de 15 minuten mn kamergenoten rechtop in hun bed zitten. "Jiezus Chaaist?, what waz that?" riep een Indiaase jongen vannacht, die een bed verderop sliep. "I zink I just saw somebody lookin at me from the train". Lijkbleek keek die rond in de kamer, maar niemand leek het met hem eens te zijn. We zitten namelijk op zeven hoog - dus de tram zie je helemaal niet. Maar hij rijd wel. En die maakt een takke herie. Dus veel chago mensen hier in het Hostel die niet veel hebben geslapen. Heel gezellig dus, dus loop ik maar in mn eentje door de stad om te kijken wat Chicago te bieden heeft.
De stad lijkt opvallend veel op New York. Er is een eindeloze zee aan wolkenkrabbers, gigantisch veel musea en galleries - meer te doen dan dat je aankan dus. Alleen de drukte van NY ontbreekt. Zelfs tijdens Rush hour is de straat nog opvallend overzichtelijk - en ook lopen de mensen hier op een normaal tempo. Iedereen lijkt wat relaxter hier, en ze zijn zeker vriendelijker. Veel vriendelijker dan welke stad waar ik tot nu toe ben geweest. Op Portland na dan (maar daar ontmoete ik alleen maar mensen uit Ohio, een staat die praktisch gezien grenst aan Illinoise)
Op mn Ipod luisterde ik vandaag dan ook maar de hele dag in stijl naar Sufjan stevens "Feel the Illinoise". Maar volgens mij voel ik hem nog niet echt. Wat de illinoise dan ook mag zijn. De CD is soms heel opzwepend en feestelijk, maar Ik doe vooral rustig aan. Ik loop een beetje rond ,drink wat koffie bij starbucks en lees de krant. Ik merk dat ik na 6 maanden Noord Amerika al opvallend bekend ben geraakt met de omgeving en cultuur, waardoor ik niet meer zo de drang voel om maar elk dingetje te moeten ontdekken en te fotograferen. Ik loop niet meer rond met het idee van "Omg. Ik ben in Amerika" (en blijkbaar straal ik het uit, want alle toeristen vragen of ik hier woon en weet of er een goed restaurant in de buurt is - waarop ik antwoord: 1. Nee, ik woon hier niet 2. Nee, die bestaan niet) Maargoed, vandaag heb ik niet veel meer gedaan dan een paar gallerietjes bezocht, en savonds ff naar de film. Oh en een beetje gelaptopt bij de Barnes en Nobles. Mischien is die relaxte levensstijl wel de "Illinoise" die sufjan stevens bedoeld.
Morgen ga ik dan ook maar verder met mijn niets doen praktijken. Beetje foto's maken, beetje rondlopen, mischien bootje varen. Even relaxen en genieten van het feit dat ik nog heel even aan de andere kant van de wereld zit.
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Oude berichten
- More self portraits! I know it deserves an explana...
- Two things i'll swear (previously: When do photogr...
- Too much make up on a pretty girl
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- Geen titel
- Geen titel
- I havent run out of images from Chicago yet...(I e...
- Geen titel
- I'm trying to keep up with my "One Image a day" id...
- Geen titel
- P.S. A little blurb in these textless days , I've ...
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- Geen titel
- Geen titel
- Geen titel
- Talking about beiing original....
- Geen titel
- Geen titel
- Geen titel
- Geen titel
- Geen titel
- The American Dream
- Got some change?
- En toen....was ik terug
- Come on! Feel the Illinois!