Good question.
Maybe this place was a little bit quiet for the last couple of months. But hey...Enschede was a four year holliday compared to Amsterdam. The good news is that I'm planning to re-open my blog again soon.
Here are already some higlights that cover projects of the last month, just to give you a taste of whats comming.
- I'm working with the Spanish artist Alicia Framis on the theme "Aging" for several months.
We are going to have a group exhibition in the Apple (De Appel) in Amsterdam in late january.
I traveled to Benidorm (spain) earlier this month for this project.
- I just finished a shoot for the dutch communication agency Kesselskramer. They have a huge reputation in the Netherlands - so it was a real honor shooting promotion material for their latest "portfolio" book titled "A new Kilo"
- In March the Sanberg people plan a group exhibition in probably the most famous autonomous artspace in Amsterdam: W139. I'm participating!
And much more...!!
22 december 2010
27 september 2010
Bye Enschede!

Me and the massive skyline of Enschede (photo by Arseni)
Thursday I will finally move to Amsterdam! (and actively start my study at the Sandberg Institute) I hope this will do my blog well, since i've been neglecting this place a bit in the last couple of months. I hope to actively share my (artistic) activities here a bit more often. But for now, I need to get back to packing my last boxes!
14 september 2010
13 september 2010
7 september 2010
5 september 2010
4 september 2010
3 september 2010
1 september 2010
James Turrell in Wolfsburg
On the way back from Berlin, we made a short stop at the Artmuseum of Wolfsburg to see a very bizar installation by the American "light" artist James Turrell. It was a great experience I have to say! Defenitly check out this video to get an idea what this was about!
Oh my, I start to look like a real AKIstani, even though I just graduated. Just went back to Berlin for a couple of days. Didnt take that many pics this time, but I still have plenty of my last two trips. So lets hope I will scan all of those soon!
26 augustus 2010
25 augustus 2010
22 augustus 2010
New on the bookshelf
Thank you Germany! Next to having two great trips in you're country - you also had some great photobooks on Sale.

In Hamburg i found a copy of Lee Friedlanders Sticks and Stones. I'm a big fan of Lee freedlander, a American documantary photographer who had his breaktrough in the 70's, and is actually still alive (he is 76 and still rocking!!!). Having first seen his work in Canada, I became very interested in his own unique way of seeing the world. His photographs of everyday architectural america are chaotic and disorientating, but also witty, clever and layered at the same time. (If you dont know his work, i recommend checking it out, start with this link)

This is one of the many images in the book that I find very inspiring.

The other book I found is by Beate Gutschow. She constructs large scale landscape photographs out of many different images she collected. These landscapes are constructed according to rules of 18th century landscape painting - so they become sort of romantic non excisting landscapes. The book also features a very interesting black and white series of constructed citys. You can find some of her work here
In Hamburg i found a copy of Lee Friedlanders Sticks and Stones. I'm a big fan of Lee freedlander, a American documantary photographer who had his breaktrough in the 70's, and is actually still alive (he is 76 and still rocking!!!). Having first seen his work in Canada, I became very interested in his own unique way of seeing the world. His photographs of everyday architectural america are chaotic and disorientating, but also witty, clever and layered at the same time. (If you dont know his work, i recommend checking it out, start with this link)

This is one of the many images in the book that I find very inspiring.

The other book I found is by Beate Gutschow. She constructs large scale landscape photographs out of many different images she collected. These landscapes are constructed according to rules of 18th century landscape painting - so they become sort of romantic non excisting landscapes. The book also features a very interesting black and white series of constructed citys. You can find some of her work here

18 augustus 2010
17 augustus 2010
16 augustus 2010
Holliday stop will be over soon....
I sort of held a - unannounced - holiday stop on my blog. Not that I did'nt do anything of interest. - but I just didn't find the right inspiration to write everything down! So in short:
Sanberg starting in September (Too soon!!) I need to move to Amsterdam (Vacant room anyone?) just came back from Hamburg (PHOTOS!)..... and finally got a scanner (but we are not good friends yet.)
But with the pouring rain oustide (Aren't Dutch summers great) I think inspiration will come sooner or later.... hopefully.
Sanberg starting in September (Too soon!!) I need to move to Amsterdam (Vacant room anyone?) just came back from Hamburg (PHOTOS!)..... and finally got a scanner (but we are not good friends yet.)
But with the pouring rain oustide (Aren't Dutch summers great) I think inspiration will come sooner or later.... hopefully.
1 augustus 2010
Welcome to 2010

I feel a little bit behind as a photographer, owning no single digital camera.......up to now.
This state of the art 3.2 megapixel, double battery powered monster from 1997 might seem a little outdated - but does the job. (At least, I hope it will) I hope to add some "illustrational" pics to my blog more often now....
31 juli 2010
Back in the days...

Yes! I Was a big movie star back in the days! And yes, many of you wonder: I really did my own stuntwork.Too bad I decided to become a poor artist.....

(Ok, These posters made by Beer ten Kate for photoshopclass, back at the Utrecht School of Fine Arts in 2005. I look so young, and my hair was so long!)
26 juli 2010
Und jetz....zuruck von Berlin
I can basically describe my activities in the last week with a few simple keywords:
1. Artshows
2. Seeing friends.
3. Partying.
This literally sums it all up. We really didn't do anything else. But what we did came in huge amounts. I saw a LOT of exhibitions, got a good taste of the Berlin nightlife (Becks and Dubstep!) and met some cool new people while seeing friends from Enschede at the same time. After the twelve hour train ride from yesterday, I'm still pretty broken - but satisfied. . My goal for the next few weeks is to pick up a cheap film scanner somewhere (It sucks not to be in school anymore!) and add some pictures to these words! Also, there is a lot of art I saw, that needs to be shared here! But first I need to hook myself up to a Vitamin Infusion device or something -having had only 2 euro Donner and 3 euro pizza all week.
1. Artshows
2. Seeing friends.
3. Partying.
This literally sums it all up. We really didn't do anything else. But what we did came in huge amounts. I saw a LOT of exhibitions, got a good taste of the Berlin nightlife (Becks and Dubstep!) and met some cool new people while seeing friends from Enschede at the same time. After the twelve hour train ride from yesterday, I'm still pretty broken - but satisfied. . My goal for the next few weeks is to pick up a cheap film scanner somewhere (It sucks not to be in school anymore!) and add some pictures to these words! Also, there is a lot of art I saw, that needs to be shared here! But first I need to hook myself up to a Vitamin Infusion device or something -having had only 2 euro Donner and 3 euro pizza all week.
19 juli 2010
In Berlin!
Like said, Im in Berlin to celebrate my graduation with my Sister and Arseni. Its's good fun so far! Lots of Art, Good weather and nice people!! A lot happened in the last couple of weeks, and I hope post some more details later. Biggest news is that I (out of nothing!) got selected AND accepted for the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam! I'll be starting my Masters in Fine Art in September!
12 juli 2010
8 juli 2010
Installation Views from the NAF Gallery @ AKI

Hier een aantal impressies van mijn eindtentoonstelling op de AKI. Die maar 72 uur in deze opstelling te zien was. Helaas is de tentoonstelling die nu in Roombeek loopt vele male kleiner (lees, anderhalf muurtje) en doet totaal geen recht aan het oorsprongkelijke idee. Daarom baal ik ook wel eigenlijk, mijn werk kom niet voldoende uit de verf in het Arendsmanshuis. Gellukig kan je hier nog een beejte zien wat ik van plan was.
Het waren een zeer rare paar weken hier. Ik ben nu officieel afgestudeerd - het was hardcore stressen - maar ga niet echt met een bevredigend gevoel de wijde wereld in. Het is een soort anti-climax dat afstuderen. Hopelijk blog ik hierover later wat meer. Morgen weer galleriehoudertje spelen in het Arendsmanhuis.
26 juni 2010
Preparing my Exhibition
21 juni 2010
Eindexamen Expositie Roombeek

Om alvast maar even op de zaken vooruit te lopen, en ook een keer wat informatie te posten waar jullie wat aan hebben:
Inside / Out.
Eindexamenexpositie ArtEZ Art & Design (AKI)
3 July tm 1 Augustus 2010
Voor de verandering organiseerd de AKI de eindtentoonstelling eens buiten de school, namelijk op mijn geliefde plek Roombeek. Op verschillende locaties door deze nieuwe wijk zal het werk van mij en mijn medestudenten te zien zijn.
Zaterdag 3 juli om 20.00 uur is de opening in Tetem - dezeflde plek waar ik vorige zomer mijn eerste expo had (Tetem terrein, Hulsmaatstraat 35, Enschede) De feestelijke opening van de eindexamententoonstelling is gekoppeld aan de Roomnacht - wat inhoud dat alle instellingen open zijn tot 00.00 uur! Lekker lang naborrelen dus, en volgens mij zijn er allemaal performances en dingen te doen....dus dat wordt gegarandeerd een toffe avond!
De fotografen (waaronder ik) exposeren in het Arendsmanshuis,- het woonhuis van een kunstenares, die op de tweede etage een expo ruimte heeft gebouwd. Het huis is wat moeilijker te vinden als de andere instellingen, maar de ruimte zelf is echter niet onaardig. Oorsprongkelijk zouden we exposeren in het Rijksmuseum, maar wegens ruimtegebrek zitten we dus ergens anders...

(Als je door Roombeek loopt, moet je ff naar dit huis zoeken, daar hangen straks mijn foto's)
Wie een tomtom of Iphone heeft typt ff dit in:
Bij deze is iedereen uitgenodigd om de derde kunst te komen kijken en zich klem te zuipen in Roombeek!!
19 juni 2010
12 juni 2010
Expanding into Chaos

This is where i've spend more the 60 hours last week..
What started out with "using one wall for hanging some pictures" ended up with claiming almost the whole department. It turned into a classic artist studio; picutes on the walls and floors, beer bottles and food everywhere...Well, i always make it sound worse then it is....

But am I getting somehwere? In the last couple of weeks i've been trying to find a way to present my pictures on the Graduation Exhibition. I've found it really hard to make a selection, but also to combine my selection so that it says something clever. I've recently been looking a lot at Wolfgang Tillmans way of presenting his images; a way that i find very inspiring for my own work. I'd like to go into detail about this later. Its Saturday night 9PM, everyone is out there partying - but im still here. Back to the madhouse!!

8 juni 2010
6 juni 2010
20 days left or something?!

Jolien, a good friend of mine, always starts laughing when I pull my Cellphone out of my pocket. "Sander has a new addiction" she says to everyone. "He keeps on taking pictures with his cellphone".
While the pictures are defintly not great in quality - I sort of start enjoying to have a little digital camera with me all the time...for all those little moments on the AKI.

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