I know. I'm the worst when it comes to self promoting. Last month we had a very interesting exhibition in the W139; one of the biggest and well known contemporary art space in Amsterdam. We had art, lectures, performances, lots of good beer and even yours truly as a DJ.
I should have posted about this before it was over.....
But ok.... here is a new chance to actually announce something.... on time!
Upcoming Thursday the exhibition "Vonk in de Zuidas" organised by
bougieartiniatives will open at the Kunstkapel (Wich is located a very strange building that looks like a weird/failed gugenheim clone and houses a expensive restaurant as well). I'm showing a new 8 meter long Photo installation, inspired on the Zuidas (one of the major business areas in Amsterdam, where this museum is located) Also, there are some great painters and video artists showing work there, so come to the opening on the 14th of April at 17:00! It will be an explosive opening (literally)
Also, more great news: I'm getting my first publication in a Magazine that is sold world wide...and its launching this... Thursday. Ill keep it a secret for now, but by the end of the week I'll make the full anouncement!