31 augustus 2009
30 augustus 2009
An official Newsletter by Sander van Wettum
I've got a couple of official announcements to make, so I've decided to compile a small Newsletter for on my blog to show the rest of the world whats going on in my own bubble.
First of all..the Website
I've been working really hard in the last couple of months to come up with a decent design + amount of images to show on my website. I already -silently- launched it one and a half week ago - but now its official. See it here! Its still a first draft - and there are still sections to add (Im working on the American Festivity's one right now) but at least its a website. I think there will be no real suprises on there, but he for me this is a landmark ;) (I wanted a website since I was 15)
My bussiness card is better then yours, damn right...better then yours - tralalala
No longer do I need to scribble my blog address on an old train ticket, my website on a napkin, my phone number on a girls arm, .... i've got a business card now baby! The overall look I was going for is Simple but stylish. The black on black Spot UV on the front looks really cool in real life, but as a picture on a blog just dull...

And becouse I saved money by printing those in Hong Kong... (For a ridiculous 20 Euro's - I think child labour must be involved) I decided to print Postcards as well. Why not?

If you'd like to have some "old fashioned mail" in your analog mailbox - send me your address (sander.van.wettum@gmail.com) and ill get you one of those postcards.
The first 300 people get one (thats the amount i've printed) so you'd better not hesitate...They disappear faster then the ozon layer.
And finally....An exhibition!
Oh..and before i forget: I've currently got an exhibition at the Tetem 2 Factory in Enschede. (Achter de twentse welle)! Chek out the website here Its running kind of short (Next friday till Sunday) but is fun to visit. The location is really cool...
and a bit like chernobyl. The first floor doesnt have any windows etc. We had to insure everything against Water damage, thiefs, nucliar Radiation, fireworks (bad joke). BUT....the inside looks really cool. And afcourse i have not picures to show you that (yet)...
Ahww, look how proud he is!
Anyway, its amazing that I can still smile like that after paying a month of rent for mounting those two prints...They are done on Alluminium with a nice shiny coating to protect them. Come chek them out at the exhibit. There is a lot of other nice (and not so nice) art to see!
And thats pretty much it for now. Tommorow my school starts again. Its time to get ready and produce more new work! And graduate this year! *panic*
So, please visit my blog on a regular base, because i've got a lot of new stuff to post soon!
29 augustus 2009
27 augustus 2009
A random thought about Portland Oregon
I still can't believe how much Portland's "Pearl District" (OR) Looks like Enschede's "Roombeek" neighborhood. They are practically on the opposite sides of the world, but in "style" very distinct, yet the same. It was very surreal to be in the Pearl, because it looked so much like home! (Even though it looked like a more ideal and successful version of the area in Enschede)
Here are some photos that will illustrate my statement:
The Pearl:


Ill upload some extra tommorow
Here are some photos that will illustrate my statement:
The Pearl:

Ill upload some extra tommorow
24 augustus 2009
Heel...heel...heeeeel mischien
Heeft vandaag iemand mijn OV kaart gevonden op straat/trein - en dacht: Ik google de naam van die jongen eens. En komt ie hier!
Nou! Gevonden! Sander van Wettum is zijn OV jaarkaart kwijt! OP de eerste dag van het nieuwe schooljaar! Knap he??
Het klinkt meer als een sprookje dan werkelijkheid(Student vind OV dankzij eigen weblog) Maar mogt iemand hem vinden
sander.van.wettum at gmail.com
En je verdiend een dikke vette mooi fotoprint naar keuze !!!! (En duizend bedankjes)
Nou! Gevonden! Sander van Wettum is zijn OV jaarkaart kwijt! OP de eerste dag van het nieuwe schooljaar! Knap he??
Het klinkt meer als een sprookje dan werkelijkheid(Student vind OV dankzij eigen weblog) Maar mogt iemand hem vinden
sander.van.wettum at gmail.com
En je verdiend een dikke vette mooi fotoprint naar keuze !!!! (En duizend bedankjes)
23 augustus 2009
19 augustus 2009
18 augustus 2009
17 augustus 2009
Give me real news
At this moment the cover story at the Ny times website is, for once, terrible old news. Well, Its about a NEW book... concerning the authenticity of Robert Capa's famous "Soldier" photograph
Maybe this is more educational..since i had my doubts how to tranlate "Komkommertijd" (From Wikipedia)
Maybe this is more educational..since i had my doubts how to tranlate "Komkommertijd" (From Wikipedia)
The Silly Season (.....)In many languages, the name for the silly season references cucumbers (more precisely: gherkins or pickled cucumbers). Komkommertijd in Dutch, Norwegian Agurktid, Czech Okurková sezóna, Polish Sezon ogórkowy, Hungarian Uborkaszezon and Hebrew עונת המלפפונים (Onat Ha'melafefonim) all mean "cucumber time" or "cucumber season". The corresponding German term is Sauregurkenzeit ("pickled cucumber season"). In Norway it is called agurknytt ("cucumber news").
A side-effect of stirring up the public in this manner comes when an authentic story is dismissed as a prank, or when a superfluous story is taken as legitimate.
A short poem (In dutch)
Made this up when I was completley awake at 4 AM last night.. Its not really translatable
Ik ken een hond.
Hij staat op twee poten.
Ik snap niet hoe hij het doet.
De hond kan een kunstje.
Ik maak kunst.
En voel me dan Rusteloos,
Ik snap niet hoe ik het doe.
Ik maak kunst.
Ik ken een hond.
Hij staat op twee poten.
Ik snap niet hoe hij het doet.
De hond kan een kunstje.
Ik maak kunst.
En voel me dan Rusteloos,
Ik snap niet hoe ik het doe.
Ik maak kunst.
13 augustus 2009
I still haven't really decided yet how this Photograph could contain a different quality Lee Friedlanders famous photograph. Help me out.
11 augustus 2009
9 augustus 2009
Gaat het zien!
Voor alle Amerika Junkies, Fotoliefhebbers en alle andere genodigde die een uurtje in Amsterdam willen doorbrengen met wat interessant fotowerk, ga even naar NY perspectives in het gemeente archrief van Amsterdam. Al is het maar om daarna door te lopen naar de toffe oude kluisen die het gebouw heeft (en een gang die op een verlate metro tunnel lijkt)
(English: This was about an exhibition in Amsterdam, and i figured that if you read this you are probably :
A. Not gonna be there before it ends (23.8.09)
B. Fleeing from everything that is American - so wont be interested in this.
C. Are ArsEni ;) who already knows about this.
D. Cant really read anything at the posted link anyway.
E. Horribly offended by now. (in that case, my apologies)
(English: This was about an exhibition in Amsterdam, and i figured that if you read this you are probably :
A. Not gonna be there before it ends (23.8.09)
B. Fleeing from everything that is American - so wont be interested in this.
C. Are ArsEni ;) who already knows about this.
D. Cant really read anything at the posted link anyway.
E. Horribly offended by now. (in that case, my apologies)
I've got company...
I dont know if this is a healthy sign, but i've spotted at least 6 types of different insects...(Ladybugs, Spiders, Moths, Muskitos, Flys and some Freaky-legged-insects i dont know the name of) in my Room tonight. Maybe because i left the door wide open and all the lights on for hours....Smart. I've spend the last 20 minutes chasing a fly while brushing my teeth, and it kind of reminded me of this -why-didnt-I-think-of-this-first-Videoclip of the "Beck of Japan" - Cornelius .(and also this strange movie wherein someone transforms into a fly and takes revenge on his Boss etc...I lost the title)
Well, If i dont capture the fly, I atleast wont be lonely tonight...
EDIT: I Got it!...I mean the fly not the title of the movie yet
EDIT 2: The official insect count is 7 now...I just found a mug with Fruitflys in there. Reminds me of another song (No cool video though..).And since when are embed videos customizable in look, size, frame etc??? This night is full of technological revelations!!!!
Well, If i dont capture the fly, I atleast wont be lonely tonight...
EDIT: I Got it!...I mean the fly not the title of the movie yet
EDIT 2: The official insect count is 7 now...I just found a mug with Fruitflys in there. Reminds me of another song (No cool video though..).And since when are embed videos customizable in look, size, frame etc??? This night is full of technological revelations!!!!
Control how Google Googles you
For all my fellow Artistic friends who are afraid that "potential" art buyers, Commissioners or even just people who are remotely interested in you (love interests..or even parents - !) are gonna Google you, and will only find pictures of you being a drunk-lunatic - (accidentally) posted on Facebook (and so ending up on the first 20 hits of Google Search)....pray no more. The solution is here.
The solution is given by Google itself.
Who states that using their (new?) Profile Service gives you "control how you appear in Google by creating a personal profile (...) and people will see it on their results page when they do web searches for your name"
Very interesting, and also very smart for Google who can specify its adverts even more to everybody who just gives away its personal information. I haven't tried it yet (it looks a bit like stripped down Facebook) But I know that this blog turns up as hit number 7 if you Google my name instead of number 2 (number one must likely be my website that doesn't exsist yet) And i would love to get rid of my Old video, Facebook & Hyves hit...and my horrible qoute for ArtEZ how much I "LOVE" the AKI.
Leaves you wondering - just like the rest of the world these days - what Google is up to. Its new Book search is highly questioned in the media
I dont really care so far...as long as they hurry up finishing Google Chrome for MAC OSX....
The solution is given by Google itself.
Who states that using their (new?) Profile Service gives you "control how you appear in Google by creating a personal profile (...) and people will see it on their results page when they do web searches for your name"
Very interesting, and also very smart for Google who can specify its adverts even more to everybody who just gives away its personal information. I haven't tried it yet (it looks a bit like stripped down Facebook) But I know that this blog turns up as hit number 7 if you Google my name instead of number 2 (number one must likely be my website that doesn't exsist yet) And i would love to get rid of my Old video, Facebook & Hyves hit...and my horrible qoute for ArtEZ how much I "LOVE" the AKI.
Leaves you wondering - just like the rest of the world these days - what Google is up to. Its new Book search is highly questioned in the media
I dont really care so far...as long as they hurry up finishing Google Chrome for MAC OSX....
6 augustus 2009
The State that I'm in
4 augustus 2009
3 augustus 2009
2 augustus 2009
Found in an old box
Sometimes cleaning up your hard drive is like cleaning up your attic.
You come across stuff you've already forgotten about a long time ago. This was a photo I did in foundation year. The assignment was to photograph "Fearfull fruit". I remember my girlfriend at that time photographed different fruits battling each other, and I photographed a surgery performed on a banana. AKI foundation was crazy! (and sadly; it never was as much fun after foundation)
Let the germans entertain you...
Ok, as you might noticed I took a little scanning/posting-images break this weekend, but i'll hope to continue next week. While working on my website i (re)discoverd the excellent german band Kraftwerk,(that you all know from Autobahn etc). They where so alien and cool back in the 70s, with their freakish electronic instruments..and they never really lost it i think (like good wine, their records became better over the years :).
(this is not an orignal version though, but still very enjoyable)
(this is not an orignal version though, but still very enjoyable)
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Posts (Atom)
Oude berichten
- Video Monday?
- My first day at the AKI....
- An official Newsletter by Sander van WettumI've go...
- Geen titel
- The Summer of 2009
- A random thought about Portland Oregon
- Heel...heel...heeeeel mischien
- Geen titel
- Geen titel
- Me and my sister at the swimming pool. I'm on holi...
- Geen titel
- Another Selfportrait (No Photoshop!)
- Give me real news
- A short poem (In dutch)
- I still haven't really decided yet how this Photog...
- Geen titel
- Gaat het zien!
- I've got company...
- Control how Google Googles you
- More B-sides (from Portland this time...)
- Geen titel
- The State that I'm in
- Geen titel
- How I spend my days in Enschede
- Geen titel
- Geen titel
- Met fotografie kan je ook hele flauwe grappen make...
- Chicago at night is like an Edward Hopper painting...
- Found in an old box
- Let the germans entertain you...