An official Newsletter by Sander van Wettum
I've got a couple of official announcements to make, so I've decided to compile a small Newsletter for on my blog to show the rest of the world whats going on in my own bubble.
First of all..the Website
I've been working really hard in the last couple of months to come up with a decent design + amount of images to show on my website. I already -silently- launched it one and a half week ago - but now its official. See it here! Its still a first draft - and there are still sections to add (Im working on the American Festivity's one right now) but at least its a website. I think there will be no real suprises on there, but he for me this is a landmark ;) (I wanted a website since I was 15)
My bussiness card is better then yours, damn right...better then yours - tralalala
No longer do I need to scribble my blog address on an old train ticket, my website on a napkin, my phone number on a girls arm, .... i've got a business card now baby! The overall look I was going for is Simple but stylish. The black on black Spot UV on the front looks really cool in real life, but as a picture on a blog just dull...

And becouse I saved money by printing those in Hong Kong... (For a ridiculous 20 Euro's - I think child labour must be involved) I decided to print Postcards as well. Why not?

If you'd like to have some "old fashioned mail" in your analog mailbox - send me your address ( and ill get you one of those postcards.
The first 300 people get one (thats the amount i've printed) so you'd better not hesitate...They disappear faster then the ozon layer.
And finally....An exhibition!
Oh..and before i forget: I've currently got an exhibition at the Tetem 2 Factory in Enschede. (Achter de twentse welle)! Chek out the website here Its running kind of short (Next friday till Sunday) but is fun to visit. The location is really cool...
and a bit like chernobyl. The first floor doesnt have any windows etc. We had to insure everything against Water damage, thiefs, nucliar Radiation, fireworks (bad joke). BUT....the inside looks really cool. And afcourse i have not picures to show you that (yet)...
Ahww, look how proud he is!
Anyway, its amazing that I can still smile like that after paying a month of rent for mounting those two prints...They are done on Alluminium with a nice shiny coating to protect them. Come chek them out at the exhibit. There is a lot of other nice (and not so nice) art to see!
And thats pretty much it for now. Tommorow my school starts again. Its time to get ready and produce more new work! And graduate this year! *panic*
So, please visit my blog on a regular base, because i've got a lot of new stuff to post soon!
2 opmerkingen:
You have my address. I better get a postcard soon, bitch.
I need new business cards... mine is way too cluttered.
Oh, send a few - I'll put one up in the ECU labs and can distribute to people you want me to give them to.
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