A stunning work of art captured with my crappy phoneMeet Hank, a handsome smiley man, probably somehere in his 40s. I think he is famous, but I'm not really sure. He could be a TV-Anchor, or maybe a gameshow host. It doesnt matter. Hank is the first painting I ever bought, and also the best piece of Art is ever bought. And..like all good art, it started quiet a buzz when I got this.
So let me first tell you how we met. There is a factory where the once so glorious Polaroid was made, that is now a gigantic flea Market. The flea market is a story itself. Not only does it contain the most useless objects you'll ever see together (from Jetski's to second hand underwear), it also has a hairsalon, a snackbar, Shoarma corner and coffeebar.This market is really something, lets put it that way. But lets focus on the real story here. Not the flea market.
Last summer I was visiting the flea market, together with Amanda from Vancouver, and next to an old dusty drawer and a box full of second hand porn, we saw him!
Hank; 40 Cms tall, handsomely mounted on cardboard with a plastic white frame around it. His smile, his Eyes, his hair!- it was love at first sight.
I looked at Amanda, and she nodded. We had to get this. I asked the salesman what he wanted for this magnificent painting. The salesman looked at me if I was crazy, but is probably still regretting it that he let go of this masterpiece for 3 euro 50.
Amanda (left) and Hank (right) having icecream after our bike trip trough EnschedeSo, we decided to show Hank some of Enschede before we went home. We took a little bike trip trough Roombeek, had Icecream and went out for dinner with our new friend. It was a loveley day. Oh my. I wish there were more days like that. Only the strange look on peoples faces I could do without. Anyway, later on I went home and showed my roommates my latest Investment.
They were speechless.And not because of his stunning smile.
"Uh....Sander...We tolerate a lot from you, but this painting is just....too much".
I was a bit disappointed. I thought my Roomates had taste and style. They just didn't get it. This painting was way ahead of his time. I hung hank in the kitchen anyway, they just had to learn to live with it. One day they would get it!So hank hung there for months, and was the topic of many discussion. Each visitor that came by commented on hank. "What an ugly piece of crap!" was the most common reaction. But then I just told them that they were not ready for it yet. That I was pretty sure this would hang next to the Mona Lisa within 30 years. Or maybe 40. It was just a matter of time. Really. Tourbusses full of Japanese tourist will be lining up in front of the Louvre, the Moma will be paying millions to obtain this. T-shirts, Coffee mugs, Posters - whole giftstores ill be filled with Hanks face. Its only a matter of time.
But then, somewhere last week, I woke up with a strange feeling. I went down into the kitchen, and Hank was gone.... Gone! I asked around the house where it was. "Sorry, Hank is taking some time of" they said - followed by a big smile. Unbelievable. Hank got kidnapped by my own roommates! I was furious! The Motherfuckers! I asked them how much they wanted for it. I would do the dished for the rest of the year. Cook three meals a day. Get tons of beer. It didnt matter. I had to get Hank back!! Now!
But they refused. They didn't want to negotiate. They were stone cold kidnappers with no heart.
So weeks went by without Hank. I didn't hear anything from the kidnappers either. They just went on with there life's like nothing happened. They even seemed a little bit happier then normal. How could they!
I almost gave up hope, and cried myself into sleep almost every night. But then, last night, when I was cleaning up the laundry closet - I got reunited with hank! They put him in the awfull dusty laundry closet under a pile of dirty clothes!!! All happy, I brought it to my room fast and locked the door. Finally we were re-united.
So now, Hank will stay in my room, where it is safe until the day the world finally embraces him.... "One day you will be accepted for who you are". is what I whispered is ear right before I fell asleap with Hank in my arms. Its only a matter of time.