5 mei 2010

Back to the Office (44 days)

After weeks of enmail conversations, I finally found an office where I'm allowed to to photograph. "Hurray" I thought!

So Yesterday I had a tour for over an hour trough all four towers of the UWV Office in Hengelo.
It confirmed all my cliche's. Offices ARE very boring. I left the building very depressed.
The towers had just endless rows of desks with people working on it (yah .....duh). What a life...

I was a little concerned though, because some cliches werent confirmed. The workers were not dressed formally, and the office didnt look like a very organized one (Visually). Posters, magazines and little decorations everywhere. It made the whole thing even more unsofisticated and uninteresting in a visual way. No suits, no ties - but this was just probably the wrong office for that. Also more then half of the building was empty. There were some floors were only 2 people were working in a gigantic empty space. This could shake things up a little, and hopefully give me some positive and more detailed idea about the current state of corporate life. Things ARE going bad.

Anyway, I'm planning to spend some time next week capturing all this depression on camera :)

BUT FIRST I have to finish that damn thesis

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