22 februari 2010

The Disco in San Francisco

(No not really, It was science world....)

12 februari 2010

And action!

It's been a while since i've last transformed my room into a mini set, but little more then a week ago it happend again (Obligated chaos in my room followed naturally). This time i've filmed a little sequence with Johannes, to use in combination with the stuff I had filmed in Amsterdam. (He looks a bit like James Bond in this picture.....does this have to do with the fact he's in London right now?) Anyway, I have no clue how the mix of documentary and fictional footage will work together, honestley. I'm just gonna play around in the edit. If I ever get to edit the footage though - right now a lot ofblue error screens and CTRL ALT DEL combinations are involved. Have a good weekend!

7 februari 2010

Had a good & Busy week last week. Did some more filming, Pierced a hole trough my Macbook screen (Ok that was not so good) visited Art & Object Rotterdam, send tons of emails -and had just as much "business" meetings. Plus i've Spend some time on edeting the 6 hours of Footage and my written "Memoires" of Morocco. Oh and I've been reading a lot of books lately... All & All something to make me feel pretty sickish by the end of the week, and now I'm in bed!!! Ahhrr!!!

2 februari 2010

Snowboots & Armani Suits

I recieved some questioning looks in the Train yesterday morning. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I looked like an Eskimo. I carefully collected Gloves, a Hat, three sweaters, snowboots, Weatherproof-Suitcases and more keep-me-warm-and-dry accessories the Night before. It's Cold in the Netherlands, and I thought I'd better dress appropriate if I wanted to spend the day outside. I was an Eskimo with a mission.

I explored the idea of what would happen if I film the things that I would normally Photograph. So I spend the Whole day at the Amsterdam Bussiness distric the "South Axis" (Amsterdam Zuidas), pretending that my big HDV Camera was a Rolleiflex (Ok, that took some imagination)

I sort of felt misplaced between all the expensive Cappuchino's (E 2.75) and Armani Suits (It was rather sunny and no snow, so maybe it was the Eskimo Outfit again?) But Video cameras are also not very welcome anymore near any WTC or Bank. It was a really different experience from walking around with my Rolleiflex and taking photos. And it was also really tough. Because something that works as a still, does not necessarily work in Video.

I've now collected over an hour of Footage, ranging from Architectual shots to people. I'm not really sure what the next step is, but I'd like to add some "Fictional" shots to it. Here are some rough stills from what I shot, that Ironicly - are still-images again - and so completely irrelevant to any intention of this new experiment. ( But still you can see that it could be one of my photos, maybe)

1 februari 2010

Ah, Marocco

Ok, I have accepted the fact that i'm the ultimate lazy blogger these days, so I dont even mind posting pics from Marocco. Instead, I just link Joliens Photographs (Via Facebook)

Mine will follow soon, I hope? (Including storys, and maybe even Videos?)
visit my portfolio website here