30 maart 2010


Normally I keep Business and Pleasure separated, but this Friday boundaries will blur

Since I still had to throw a birthday party, i figured it would make extra sense If i could fit it in my current photo project. So now im throwing a fucked up businesspeople party ! 9 till 5!!
Call It genius (or just stupid) but im sure its going to be great fun! And hey, maybe i shoot
my award winning graduation photos on my own party !

29 maart 2010

Something you probably forgot about....

Some people are WAAAAY ahead of things. This 13 (!) Year old Video finally seems to connect with its time, like its a gigantic mash up of everything that is hip anno 2010.

I mean, who doesnt think of James Cameron's Avatar, Lord of The Rings, The landscape of the Teletubies, The Africa 2010 World Cup, Apple estetics, Wireless utopia's and Green Design when you see this clip!!?!

Too bad the synsthesisers are so 90's...

25 maart 2010

At work in the Gallery

I was "babysitting" the Gallerie in Amsterdam today, and well - I took some pics becouse I was bored. Overall the show is a great succes, we had a lot of visitors at the openingn, and also during the week there were quite a few! Its open for two more days, so come say Hi tommorow or Saturday! (12 till 7pm)

23 maart 2010

19 maart 2010

Click the image to find the gallery on Google Maps (+ Directions how to ge there!)

Exhibition in Amsterdam | Opening THIS Saturday

After months and monhts of organising, I manage to anounce my OWN group exhibition ONE day before it opens! Can you believe that? This one took blood, sweat,tears and hunders and hunderds of euros to organise, and we are not trough yet: Im on my way to Amsterdam to hang the works today. If you are in the area tommorow, come say Hi and enjoy a beer, live music and great art !!!

AK12 | 20 tm 27 Maart

Lauriegracht 160, Amsterdam
Openingstijden: 12:00 tm 19:00 (Gesloten op Maandag)

Twaalf eigenzinnige fotografen studeren dit jaar af aan de
Academie voor Kunst & Industrie in Enschede. Zij presenteren
hun autonome werk aan de Lauriergracht 160 te Amsterdam.
Hierbij nodigen zij u van harte uit voor de muzikale opening op
Zaterdag 20 Maart om 16:00 uur.

Verder zullen er de hele week activiteiten plaats vinden,
waaronder een doorlopende veiling met exclusieve prints
van de deelnemende fotografen.

Kijk voor een preview en meer informatie op onze website ak12.net

Deelnemende fotografen:
Till Ammann (DE), Camilla Bishti (GB),
Dirk Commello (NL), Ramon Eding (NL), Nick Grossmann (DE),
Tina Hinderink (DE), Medea Huisman (NL), Jenny Kolker (DE),
Victoria Nikolova (BG) Katrhrin Tschirner (DE), Dascha Traenkle (KZ),
Sander van Wettum (NL).

Deze expositie wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door: Nikon Nederland,
ArtEZ Hogenschool voor de kunsten, Betty Visser en John Ligtenberg

Its going to be amazing!

14 maart 2010

Got my film developed, but no time to scan (because of the exhibition in Amsterdam soon!!)
Chek back tommorow for the official anouncement! And Next week there will be more london!

11 maart 2010

Back from London with....

... 6 rolls of shot film, A suitcase stuffed with new clothes, postcards from the Tate, a rare photography book, a bottle of "No Sugar" drink to flush the toilet with, No money because of the 3 pound cappuchinos, no wallet because it got stolen, No cup from starbucks because if forgot to steal one,No vitamins because of the Fries & Pizza,No sleep because there was so much to do and lots of fond memories of three days with my best friends in London.

Now off to bed, and more later!

7 maart 2010

I am not a Photographer

That's at least what I was thinking BEFORE I went trough my room and collected all te cameras that where laying around. Now they are still standing next to my laptop, and I'm looking proud at this (half borrowed) collection. I still dont understand why I havent taken a picture in months while all these nice toys were just next to my bed.....

1 maart 2010


(Subway in Paris, November 2009)
Yes, I know. I havent been writing for a while. There happend a lot in the past weeks, and at the same time almost nothing. We are currently preparing the exhibition that will be held in Amsterdam from the 20 till the 27th of March! That's in less then three weeks! AcK! This keeps me so occupied that i feel like a businessman/organiser. Really. I even had this horrible feeling that my Sunday/weekend was almost over, and my workweek started again!

All this organising makes me wonder if I'm still capable of taking pictures, so thats why i will do a short trip to London next week. Im planning to shoot at canary wharf ( the La Defence of London) - and I hope to be more in disguise then the last time in Amsterdam, where my Eskimo-outfit didnt really work well.

So chek the blog - more more info comming soon!
visit my portfolio website here