9 augustus 2009

I've got company...

I dont know if this is a healthy sign, but i've spotted at least 6 types of different insects...(Ladybugs, Spiders, Moths, Muskitos, Flys and some Freaky-legged-insects i dont know the name of) in my Room tonight. Maybe because i left the door wide open and all the lights on for hours....Smart. I've spend the last 20 minutes chasing a fly while brushing my teeth, and it kind of reminded me of this -why-didnt-I-think-of-this-first-Videoclip of the "Beck of Japan" - Cornelius .(and also this strange movie wherein someone transforms into a fly and takes revenge on his Boss etc...I lost the title)

Well, If i dont capture the fly, I atleast wont be lonely tonight...

EDIT: I Got it!...I mean the fly not the title of the movie yet

EDIT 2: The official insect count is 7 now...I just found a mug with Fruitflys in there. Reminds me of another song (No cool video though..).And since when are embed videos customizable in look, size, frame etc??? This night is full of technological revelations!!!!

Geen opmerkingen:


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