22 april 2010

90's House Brainwash

I think its a quite normal occurrence that when you wake up, not only all worry of yesterday quickly enter your head again, but also music enters - like a song. For me this is most of the time a song I heard recently, like the song that I heard last before going to bed...Wich is interesting actually, but not really groundbreaking news.

Today however, I woke up with this song in my head, that I havent heard in almost 10 years...
I even had to google the lyrics to find out what song it is again. After listening to it (always a satisfactory moment to hear the head song for real) I read in the comments of another - but very similar song-, that somebody woke up this morning and had the exact same!

"i haven't heard this in like 10 years and i woke up with it playing in my head today."

Some 90's catchy house brainwash going on here?

Geen opmerkingen:

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